What we blog about
Our Story
We’re Heather and Jason, plus our two boys, we’re just your average family who enjoys experiencing new things by traveling with kids. No frills…ok sometimes… and no endless budget. We decided to document our travels more for our kids, extended families, and maybe a few of you who may be interested.
You see families traveling together all over the world and it seems unrealistic…for most of us, it is. Traveling is expensive. Raising a family is expensive. Traveling and raising your family at the same time is even more expensive. It’s hard not to compare yourself to families who can sell everything and travel full time. First, please don’t compare yourself. Second, you don’t need to travel full time and all over the world to enjoy traveling. Plus, aside from the added cost, traveling with kids is harder. (If you do travel full time with kids… great!)
We’re a family who can’t sell everything, work on the road, or quit our jobs. Our family travels haven’t made it to Europe, Asia, Africa, or Australia… actually not even Canada yet. We have traveled to the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, East Coast and West coast of the USA. We do all of this as a family with two small boys, ages 5.5 and 2.5. It’s amazing, exhausting, hard, and 100% worth it.
I (Heather) grew up traveling with my family in the USA (road trip a few times to Florida, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey), plus I traveled to Canada and Washington DC. Jason didn’t travel as much with his family… well except for Disney World, Jersey Shore (Avalon), Delaware (Rehoboth beach), he did travel to Peru.
Both of our boys started traveling at 3 weeks old. Our oldest son is a great traveler because it’s just a normal part of life for him and our youngest is following the same path. This doesn’t mean there aren’t meltdowns, whining, and too hyper overexcitement. We deal with all of that every single trip, but to be able to have these experiences with them is not only extremely beneficial for them but wonderful for us as a family.
Our goal isn’t to share our travels like they’re perfect, they’re to encourage you to not be afraid or worry about taking your entire family. We are typically on a very tight budget when traveling and we share our splurges as well as our free adventures. It doesn’t matter if you travel across the world or your local amusement park, treat it as an adventure and try new things.
In addition to our blog, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel here. We record all of our adventures!
Heather and Jason